Tag Archives: body procedures

Are You a Good Candidate for Arm Lift Surgery?

Experts have noticed a large upswing in the number of patients undergoing arm lifts in recent years. This is likely due to a return of sleeveless fashions and the example of public figures like Michelle Obama, Jessica Biel, and Sarah Jessica Parker, this tremendous rise in popularity owes much of its existence to an improvement in technique and technology.

Arm Lift Surgery

The Basics

An arm lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure that is used to reshape the upper arm. It tightens loose skin, removes excess fat, and removes excess skin left behind by weight loss. Sometimes combined with liposuction, it is the only way to improve the tone and firmness of the upper arm area.

Flabby or saggy skin on the upper arm can have a big impact on how we feel about our bodies and many women and men begin to worry about the look of their ‘bingo wings’ as they grow older. As the skin loses elasticity, excess subcutaneous fat begins to show in pockets of droopy flesh.

Benefits of an upper arm lift include an improved appearance in tight-fitting clothing, improved self-confidence and self-image, and a more flattering appearance in sleeveless or short sleeved fashions.

Good Candidates for Arm Lift Procedures

As with most surgical procedures, cosmetic or otherwise, it is best to undergo them when you are in the best possible health. This not only refers to not having a cold or fever but also to being physically fit. There are many associations between being obese or significantly overweight and having complications during surgery or experiencing negative reactions to the anesthesia.

Also, if you are planning to lose any weight, it is not a good idea to undergo cosmetic surgery before you have finished your weight loss plan. Significant weight loss will have a large impact on the results of your surgery, often resulting in more work being required in order to achieve the results you desire. Instead of paying twice, achieve your ideal body weight before going under the knife in order to ensure you get exactly the results you want.

Another aspect of being healthy enough for an arm lift is the smoking factor. While this may not be an easy thing to give up, it is extremely important for your health and recovery to stop using any nicotine products at least two weeks before your procedure and, if not permanently, for several weeks following. This is because nicotine greatly reduces the ability of your blood to carry oxygen and nutrients to healing incisions, slowing the healing process and increasing the risk of infection.

If you are a non-smoker who has achieved their ideal body weight and does not suffer from any serious medical conditions, you are a perfect candidate for upper arm lift surgery! Contact the office of Dr. Fouda Neel for more information today.

Debunking Myths About Labiaplasty

Labiaplasty is a type of aesthetic surgery that changes the appearance of the vulva by removing excess tissue from the labia or clitoral hood.

Labiaplasty Myths

Because it is dealing with such intimate parts of the body, some people may be too shy or embarrassed to discuss labiaplasty openly. As a result of this, a lot of myths and misinformation about the procedure persist.

Allow us to take a moment to dispel some of these myths so that you can make a confident and informed decision about your aesthetic surgery options.

Myth: Vibrators and/or too much sex cause large labia

    • This is patently false. Whether or not you engage in a lot of sexual activity or none at all will not affect the size of your labia. Rather, the features of your vulva will be determined by the genetic traits that you inherit from your parents.

Myth: Labiaplasty is a very painful surgery

    • While any surgery will involve some discomfort during the recovery process, labiaplasty is not especially painful. This might seem counterintuitive since it is dealing with such a sensitive part of the body. The small amount of temporary postoperative pain that does occur can easily be treated with pain medication.

Myth: Labiaplasty is only performed for aesthetic reasons

    • Some people might think that improving appearance is the only reason for labiaplasty. However, there are practical motivations for the procedure as well. An excessively long labia can cause significant discomfort for some women, especially when doing activities like riding a bicycle.

Myth: Gynaecologists perform labiaplasties

    • Although your gynaecologist is responsible for the health of this part of your body, they are not necessarily trained in the surgical techniques required for labiaplasty. These specialized surgical skills are not part of regular medical school education. They require the special training and experience of a dedicated cosmetic surgeon.

Myth: Sexual stimulation will be diminished

    • Many patients are concerned that they will experience less feeling and sexual stimulation following labiaplasty. Rest assured that the procedure does not alter your sensitivity. The nerve endings that are most important for sexual sensation are located elsewhere.

Myth: Labiaplasty requires a long recovery

  • While it is true that you should abstain from intimate activities for a few weeks, the recovery time is not several months long, as some people believe. No catheters are required and there is little pain to endure during your recovery.

4 Things to Know Before Getting Liposuction

Liposuction in Montreal is a popular cosmetic procedure for the removal of stubborn pockets of fat throughout the body, but it is also one of the most misunderstood cosmetic procedures available today. In fact, cosmetic surgeons in Montreal and around the world spend a large amount of their time simply correcting the various misconceptions and fallacies surrounding this popular procedure.

Before Liposuction Procedure

Before you consider undergoing a liposuction treatment, here are a few things you should know:

1. Liposuction is intended for stubborn pockets of fat.

This means that while liposuction can help to trim your waistline or remove pesky love handles, it is not meant as a replacement for natural weight-loss methods. In fact, the amount of fat that can be removed in one liposuction procedure is relatively small, and surgeons recommend that patients are within 30% of their ideal weight before considering the procedure.

Liposuction is not intended to remove large quantities of fat and to do so can be quite unhealthy.

2. Liposuction will not treat sagging or loose skin.

Liposuction can only be used to target and remove excess pockets of fat, it cannot be used to tighten the skin or muscles in the surrounding area. Patients suffering from loose skin or muscles that have lost their elasticity may need to undergo additional procedures – such as abdominoplasty – in order to correct these issues.

3. Exercise and liposuction go hand-in-hand.

It is not only important that a patient exercise and live a healthy lifestyle prior to the procedure, it also important that they be willing to keep up the hard work once they have fully recovered. Liposuction, like all body shaping procedures, will be affected by future weight gain. It’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating well and exercising regularly as to not affect the outcome of your procedure.

4. The fat removed through liposuction can be put to good use.

If you’re considering undergoing additional cosmetic procedures in the future, be sure to speak to your surgeon about autologous fat transfer before your liposuction treatment. There are many procedures, including the Brazilian butt lift, that can make use of the fat removed during liposuction to plump up the buttocks or the breasts and help patients achieve a more flattering and well-proportioned figure.

If you have remaining questions about liposuction, talk to the experts at Dr. Fouda Neel’s office today!

The Beauty of Mommy Makeover Procedures

Motherhood brings joyful changes into a woman’s life, but the progression of pregnancy, breastfeeding, and child care often cause significant changes to your physical appearance. Your post-pregnancy physiological changes can negatively affect self-esteem and confidence levels.

Mommy Makeover Procedures

For this reason, Dr. Fouda Neel offers mommy makeover procedures in order to address post-pregnancy concerns.

In the latest statistics, 20% of plastic surgery patients receive mommy makeover procedures. The ideal candidate is a woman who is in good general health and near her desired post-pregnancy weight. Additionally, patients should also have completed breast feeding and be at least 3 to 6 months post-delivery if she is considering tummy enhancement.

A mommy makeover typically consists of a combination of procedures that are individually customized to address each patient’s unique concerns. Common mommy makeover procedures can include:

  • Breast lift and/or Augmentation
  • Tummy tuck
  • Liposuction


Each consultation is personally conducted by Dr. Fouda Neel, and a recommendation is individually customized.

Before any mommy makeover procedure, Dr. Fouda Neel will provide verbal explanation and written instructions on how the patient should prepare for surgery and what the patient can expect after the procedure. To optimize safety, patients having multiple procedures that cannot be accommodated in a single operating room session will be staged into multiple sessions by Dr. Fouda Neel.

The staging will take into account the concerns most important to the patient, as well as which procedures can be grouped in a medically/surgically appropriate manner. Our downtown Montreal clinic provides overnight facilities with two overnight nurses for those patients who may benefit from an overnight stay.

During a mommy makeover procedure, Dr. Fouda Neel highlights that non-traumatic handling of tissue is key to yield shorter recoveries. He says his patients should expect only a small degree of bruising and swelling since his surgical techniques are designed to minimize tissue trauma.

Dr. Fouda Neel’s patients make regular follow-up appointments after their mommy makeover procedure is complete. Generally, mommy makeover patients see Dr. Fouda Neel at the 1 week, 6 week, 6 month, and 1 year marks after surgery. Dr. Fouda Neel wants to ensure his patients receive the results they were expecting and enjoy their rejuvenated figures.

About Dr. Fouda Neel

Board-certified by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Dr. Fouda Neel completed his training in Plastic and Reconstructive surgery at the prestigious McGill University training program in Montreal. Subsequently, he enhanced his expertise by pursuing 3 different fellowships in facial and breast aesthetic surgery.

He offers a full range of plastic surgery options for facial rejuvenation, breast enhancement, body contouring, and skin renewal, as well as a number of nonsurgical cosmetic enhancement treatments. Dr. Fouda Neel is an Assistant professor at McGill University and is an Attending staff at McGill University Health Center.