
Debunking Myths About Labiaplasty

Labiaplasty is a type of aesthetic surgery that changes the appearance of the vulva by removing excess tissue from the labia or clitoral hood.

Labiaplasty Myths

Because it is dealing with such intimate parts of the body, some people may be too shy or embarrassed to discuss labiaplasty openly. As a result of this, a lot of myths and misinformation about the procedure persist.

Allow us to take a moment to dispel some of these myths so that you can make a confident and informed decision about your aesthetic surgery options.

Myth: Vibrators and/or too much sex cause large labia

    • This is patently false. Whether or not you engage in a lot of sexual activity or none at all will not affect the size of your labia. Rather, the features of your vulva will be determined by the genetic traits that you inherit from your parents.

Myth: Labiaplasty is a very painful surgery

    • While any surgery will involve some discomfort during the recovery process, labiaplasty is not especially painful. This might seem counterintuitive since it is dealing with such a sensitive part of the body. The small amount of temporary postoperative pain that does occur can easily be treated with pain medication.

Myth: Labiaplasty is only performed for aesthetic reasons

    • Some people might think that improving appearance is the only reason for labiaplasty. However, there are practical motivations for the procedure as well. An excessively long labia can cause significant discomfort for some women, especially when doing activities like riding a bicycle.

Myth: Gynaecologists perform labiaplasties

    • Although your gynaecologist is responsible for the health of this part of your body, they are not necessarily trained in the surgical techniques required for labiaplasty. These specialized surgical skills are not part of regular medical school education. They require the special training and experience of a dedicated cosmetic surgeon.

Myth: Sexual stimulation will be diminished

    • Many patients are concerned that they will experience less feeling and sexual stimulation following labiaplasty. Rest assured that the procedure does not alter your sensitivity. The nerve endings that are most important for sexual sensation are located elsewhere.

Myth: Labiaplasty requires a long recovery

  • While it is true that you should abstain from intimate activities for a few weeks, the recovery time is not several months long, as some people believe. No catheters are required and there is little pain to endure during your recovery.

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