
Get Ready for Your Rhinoplasty

Woman smiling

Year after year, rhinoplasty retains its popularity because of its ability to transform the look of the entire face with minimal scarring. But before you choose a doctor and book your rhinoplasty in Montreal, it’s important to know exactly what to expect and where to start.


Before your rhinoplasty, it’s important to reconcile your goals for surgery with the procedure’s limitations. As you well know, any type of elective surgery is a huge decision. Prior to surgery, be sure you understand the underlying concepts of the procedure, how it’s performed, and how long until you can see your results.

Rhinoplasty, like many other plastic surgery procedures, is largely customized based on the patient’s existing anatomy, aesthetic goals, and more. When you consult with your surgeon, be sure you don’t leave without a thorough understanding of his or her technique, as well as your own unique timeline for recuperation and results.

Another essential component of research is deciding what you want. While you may have an idea of your desired results in your head, it can be difficult to articulate those goals to your surgeon. One good way to ensure you’re both on the same page is by bringing photos to your first consultation. Whether you cut out pictures from a magazine or print them from the internet, bringing a visual aid to your appointment can help your surgeon understand what you want. Together, you can review the images and discuss their feasibility for you.

Physical Preparation

Although today’s techniques are less invasive and traumatic than they were previously, rhinoplasty is still surgery and therefore creates some discomfort and bruising afterward. Soreness and tenderness are extremely common during recovery, although many patients find that they don’t require opiate medications. Instead, over-the-counter medications can be effective, as well as using cold compresses to reduce sensation and swelling.

Because of the vascularity of the head and face, however, bruising is common. Many people also develop extensive discoloration around the nose and even the eyes. While most of this will be cleared up by the time you’re ready to go back to work and other activities, any remaining bruising can usually be covered with makeup.

In order to give yourself plenty of time to rest and heal, be mindful of your schedule when booking your surgery. Plan around important events by booking your surgery well in advance or afterward, and don’t make any commitments or social plans until you’re fully healed.

Take Care!

Above all, listen to your body—and your surgeon. After your surgery, there’s no need to rush back into your normal activities. In fact, hurrying along the process and engaging in certain physical activities before you’re ready can actually be harmful, lengthening the overall healing time and potentially leading to complications. Although most patients are able to return to work and light activity after 1 week, this time estimate is a guideline and not a rule. Instead, adhere to your surgeon’s specific instructions. When the time does come to resume some of your activities, ease into them. This is especially true of exercise. If you experience pain, slow down and try again in a couple of days.

It also behooves you to be patient during this time. It can take some time—often several months—before the results of rhinoplasty are completely evident. This is because the structures of the nose take time to settle into their new positions. Although you will notice an immediate difference in the appearance of your nose, it’s not possible to make an accurate judgment regarding your results until several months after your procedure.

If you’re ready to book your rhinoplasty consultation or would simply like more information, call our trusted clinic team at (514) 448-2445 today!

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