BOTOX COSMETIC® & Other Neurotoxins

Frown lines, crow’s feet, and forehead furrows are all signs of aging. As we get older, our faces bear the brunt of our age and can leave us looking less than fresh. Many procedures can be conducted in order to fight the signs of aging. One of the most common procedures is neurotoxin injections, such as BOTOX COSMETIC, in Riyadh.
What is a neurotoxin?
BOTOX Cosmetic, Dysport Aesthetic™, and XEOMIN® COSMETIC™ are all neurotoxins. These injectable treatments are made from purified botulinum toxin A and have been proven as an effective way to combat wrinkles and other signs of aging that appear on our faces. Neurotoxin injections are a cosmetic procedure that is commonly done to women and men to make them appear younger.
What happens during the injection procedure?
A neurotoxin injection is a simple procedure that only takes a few minutes. BOTOX, Dysport, or XEOMIN is injected into specific muscles with a fine needle to temporarily paralyze them. Once paralyzed, it is easy to remove wrinkles that lie over those muscles. You do not need to be anesthetized to receive your injection. There may be a minor discomfort in the area, but it generally fades within seconds as the fine needle is removed.
Depending on the area being treated, the number of injections will vary.
- To deal with crow’s feet, 3 injections are typically used in the muscles that border the side of your eyes.
- To attack frown lines, 5 injections are generally administered into your forehead muscles.
Upon your first meeting with Dr. Fouda Neel to discuss your neurotoxin injections, he will advise you to:
- Avoid alcohol for one week leading up to your procedure so you do not have any toxic elements in your system while your body heals from your injection.
- Avoid taking anti-inflammatories and aspirin at least two weeks before your treatment to reduce the risk of bruising.
Are neurotoxins safe?
Yes! Do not let the terminology fool you. Just because your muscles are temporarily paralyzed by a toxin does not mean that these injections are unsafe. BOTOX, Dysport, and XEOMIN are approved for cosmetic use in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) authorized botulinum toxin products to be used for non-surgical cosmetic procedures such as reducing wrinkles and fine lines. For safety and optimal results, choose an experienced injector like Dr. Fouda Neel.
If you are plagued with over-active sweat glands, your doctor may have suggested BOTOX or another neurotoxin as a treatment option. Please discuss these options with Dr. Fouda Neel during your consultation.
What are the positive after-effects of neurotoxin injections?
The after-effects of neurotoxins are tremendous. You will not look like you’ve had any work done to your face and will appear more youthful. Patients can return to their normal routine immediately following their injections. Within a few days, you will notice significant changes to your face including the lack of crow’s feet and frown lines. The after-effects of neurotoxin treatments typically last 3 to 4 months, after which you will need to repeat the procedure.
With neurotoxin injections, there are some factors to remember:
- Avoid rubbing the area that was treated so as to keep the toxin in place. If it migrates to another area, you will have to have the treatment redone. Normally, patients do not report any migration.
- The treatment may cause temporary bruising at the injection site, but this can be easily covered with makeup and fades after a few days.
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the difference between neurotoxins and dermal fillers?

Injectable neurotoxins such as BOTOX treat forehead wrinkles, crow’s feet, frown lines between the eyebrows, and wrinkles on the upper lip. Neurotoxins temporarily immobilize the tiny facial muscles that cause these “dynamic” wrinkles, which develop as you change facial expressions. Fillers, on the other hand, treat wrinkles and lines caused by age-related loss of volume and environmental effects, such as sun damage. Dr. Fouda Neel creates a treatment plan using both neurotoxins and fillers to target specific areas of the face.
Are there other uses for neurotoxin injections?
Yes, botulinum toxin’s versatility in treating a range of conditions continues to grow. For example, neurotoxins can slightly change the underlying shape of certain facial features by weakening the muscles that pull them down. In addition, neurotoxin injections can relax overactive platysma muscles, which cause neck bands to form.
Men and women troubled by excessive underarm sweating can also find relief from neurotoxin injections. Even some patients who suffer chronic migraine headaches experience a dramatic reduction in the number and severity of episodes after neurotoxin injections that target appropriate trigger points.
Who performs neurotoxin injections?
Dr. Fouda Neel personally performs these treatments, customizing the procedures to address your specific concerns. During your consultation, Dr. Fouda Neel carefully assesses your needs and creates a treatment plan designed to maximize your results.
How long do botulinum-based procedures take?
The injections themselves generally take about 15 to 30 minutes. Before your treatment, we apply a topical anesthetic to help you remain comfortable. Most patients return to their normal, daily activities immediately after the treatment. You should, however, expect some redness and swelling at the injection sites. Typically, results from a botulinum-based injectable wrinkle treatment last about 4 months.
Can you combine botulinum-based injectables with other procedures?
Depending on your specific needs, sometimes a wrinkle treatment can be combined with dermal fillers for more comprehensive results. During your consultation, Dr. Fouda Neel will assess whether you are a candidate for combining procedures.
What are the risks associated with botulinum toxin?
Millions of people worldwide have received botulinum toxin injections with no problems. It is one of the safest cosmetic procedures available. The most common complication is the inadvertent paralysis of muscles adjacent to the muscles being targeted. This can lead to temporary changes which, fortunately, will resolve on their own.
How much do BOTOX and other neurotoxin treatments cost?
Visit our Fees and Finances page for cost information.
Are you ready to learn more?
Women and men visit Dr. Fouda Neel for non-surgical facial rejuvenation with injectable wrinkle treatments such as BOTOX and XEOMIN from throughout Saudi Arabia, as well as Dubai. For more information, please request a consultation online or call our office at (514) 448-2445.
Read about BOTOX COSMETIC in Arabic.
Riyadh Clinic
Dr. Omar Fouda Neel, FRCSC, FACS
King Abdullah Rd, King Salman Neighborhood
Riyadh 12444, Saudi Arabia
+(966) 57-858-7777
Saturday through Thursday: 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Friday: Closed