Tag Archives: recovery

Can I Get Pregnant After a Mommy Makeover Procedure?

Getting a mommy makeover will not affect your ability to carry your baby safely to term. Depending on how much weight is gained during the pregnancy, some of the positive effects of the makeover will be reversed, but it’s possible to correct those issues a second time.

Pregnant After Mommy Makeover Procedure

Make sure your body has healed

Many doctors would recommend that you wait for 4-6 months after the procedure before trying to conceive another baby, and this is to make sure that everything has healed up. Once the place of incision has soundly closed, your body will be able to expand properly to accommodate the growth of the baby and any additional baby weight that you might accumulate during pregnancy.

Additional elasticity

A tummy tuck removes excess skin, but the remaining skin is still incredibly stretchy. In addition, the underlying muscle can shift and withstand the pressure of an expanded uterus pushing from the inside. A normal tummy tuck will not introduce excess scar tissue, which would affect the stretchiness of the body.

Will I need more work after the pregnancy?

The answer depends on:

  • How you carry your baby. Women can carry high or low, and the baby bump can also extend outwards in varying sizes. The more your belly extends outwards, the more your abdomen will stretch.
  • The amount of weight gained. This volume is separate from the space your baby will require, so it’s possible to have a very large belly despite gaining very little excess weight.

Eating well and getting lots of exercise that’s appropriate for expecting mothers will help to keep your weight in balance.

Being pregnant changes the body in a number of ways

  • It separates the muscles which usually form a 6-pack (the rectus muscles).
  • It stretches out the skin over your belly.

Tummy tucks, which are part of the mommy makeover, involve reattaching the separated 6 pack so that it lies flat, as well as removing excess skin. Although you can take steps to reduce how much the skin stretches, the rectus will remain split unless it gets reattached.

It’s recommended that you wait until you’re done having children before getting another tummy tuck, if that’s necessary, but some women won’t even require a second procedure. It’s always a good idea to check in with your family doctor and surgeon who performed the makeover to make sure that your body is ready for another baby.

10 DIY Tips to Reduce Scars After Surgery

As a Montreal plastic surgeon, I know that surgery is not the easiest medical procedure to undergo, and there is often a recovery period as well as possible after effects to deal with. One of those after effects is scarring. Fortunately, there are things you can do to prevent, minimize, or fade scarring so nobody has to know you went under the knife by looking at your skin.

Reduce Scars

1. Clean the Wounds While They Are Still Fresh

It is advisable to clean fresh surgical wounds regularly so as to prevent bacterial infection. For small wounds, simply placing them under clean and cool running water is the best way to heal. You should actually avoid substances such as alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, and iodine, as these may actually delay the healing process.

2. Ensure That Your Wound Remains Covered and Moist

Wounds should be concealed and kept moist, as this speeds up the healing process. Rather than bandages, you can use antibiotic cream or ointment. This will also help reduce the appearance of scars.

3. Avoid Touching the Scabs

As tempting as it might be to pick at a scab, they were formed for a good reason. Scabs form in order to protect the wound from outside infection. Picking at a scab can cause the wound to reopen resulting in a bigger scar.

4. Avoid Heavy Exercise

The chest, shoulders, and back are areas where scabs are prone to form. If you have wounds in any of these areas, then you should avoid strenuous exercise or lifting heavy objects until the wound fully heals.

5. Use Creams

You can use sunscreen not only for preventing sunburn but also for preventing scarring. Apply sunscreen near the wound to minimize the occurrence of scarring. Alternatively, you can use petroleum jelly or silicone gel. Bleaching creams can be used for dark scars, but consult your doctor before you use it. Finally, there are also inflammation creams that help fade scars.

6. Get Steroid Injections

Injecting steroids may help flatten scars that are swollen but may only be effective if used over the long term.

7. Get Dermabrasion

Dermabrasion is a procedure used to safely remove the surface of the skin using special equipment, which can reduce the appearance of scars.

8. Get Laser Treatments

Laser technology is also useful for removing scars. This treatment can be done in one of two ways – either the skin’s surface is removed, or the lasers are just focused on the collagen in the dermis leaving the upper layer of the skin in tact.

9. Eat Healthy

Eating lots of fruits and vegetables can produce the nutrients your body needs to facilitate a quick healing process and reduce scarring.

10. Apply Aloe Vera

The aloe vera plant is a time tested treatment for wounds. Rich in anti-inflammatory properties, it helps build new cells and facilitates the production of collagen.

Stages of Recovering from Facelift Surgery

Recovering from facelift surgery is a gradual process, and this process is best described in stages. It usually takes a full year to recover, but if done properly it will go smoothly and with minimal inconvenience.


Stage One

Resting is of primary importance during the first week of recovery; however, this does not mean you should be confined to bed for the entire time. You should be able to move around within 48 hours after surgery. Common symptoms are fatigue and nausea (usually due to pain medication) as well as swelling and bruising on the face (due to surgery). You may also feel stiffness and soreness in the neck, ears, and face, but if you take your medication as prescribed by the surgeon the discomfort should be minimal. Remember that even though you can move around, activities should remain light.

Stage Two

Bruising and swelling normally occurs on one or both sides of the face and neck as well around the eyes and ears. These symptoms are not abnormal and usually recede about four days after surgery. You should not, however, expect bruising to fully fade for approximately one or two weeks after. Also, keep in mind that full recovery spans over a period of one year.

Instead of stitches, staples may be used to hold together any incisions made in the hair-bearing skin. These will be removed one week after surgery. During this time, you should still keep your activities light as you are still in the early stages of recovery. It is possible to use makeup to camouflage surgical incisions.

Stage Three

By stage three (two to four weeks after surgery) the surgical incisions will begin to heal rapidly, although it does vary from patient to patient. During this stage of the healing process, you will notice that your incisions appear pink or light red. This is normal and it will disappear on its own, but treatment is available. There may still be some swelling in isolated areas, but this will also be temporary. You should be careful not to over-expose your skin to the sun after surgery as this can cause the skin to age prematurely.

Stage Four

The immediate effects of cosmetic surgery (bruising, swelling, and skin sensations) tend to dissipate after two weeks. After three weeks any residual effect will hardly be noticeable by anyone other than you. In fact, it is unlikely anyone will notice you underwent surgery.

In every stage of the recovery process, you should exercise care and follow your surgeon’s instructions.

How to Minimize Post-Surgery Scarring

One of the main concerns of patients coming in for cosmetic procedures is how to ensure they end up with as little scar tissue as possible. While it can be difficult to prevent scarring entirely, there are several steps that patients can take to help soften the appearance of scars and ensure that all incisions heal quickly and cleanly.

The visibility of the final scar depends on several things:

  • The size of the initial wound
  • How quickly it heals
  • How well it is cared for while healing
  • The skin type, age, and health of the patient

While there is little you can do to change the size of the incision required for your chosen procedure, there is plenty you can do to affect your health and how quickly it will heal following treatment. Read on to see some of the ways you can minimize scarring after your next cosmetic procedure.

1. Boost Your Immune System

While recovering from surgery, it is always beneficial to eat healthily. This will help your body recover more quickly as well as prevent you from eating empty calories that you cannot burn off as easily. Be sure to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to give your immune system that needed boost and emphasize nutritional, anti-oxidant rich foods in your diet.

2. Drink Plenty of Water

Keep your system hydrated while you are healing and your incisions will heal faster. Avoid coffee, alcohol, and soda as they will actually dehydrate you. Instead, drink plenty of clean, fresh water, preferably filtered. Green and herbal teas are a safe way to supplement your water intake and may contain additional antioxidants.

3. Exercise Carefully but Regularly

Ask your surgeon what kind of exercises you can do while you are recovering. Remaining physically active within the prescribed post-operative instructions of your surgeon is a great way to keep the blood pumping, cleaning out toxins and replenishing nutrients and oxygen to the healing area.

4. Stop Smoking

Before undergoing any kind of surgery it is important to stop smoking several weeks in advance. This is because smoking has a direct effect on how well blood can carry oxygen around the body, making the body work harder.

5. Don’t Pick!

It can be hard for some people to resist the urge to pick at scabs, but it is important to fight the impulse if you want to have cleanly healed skin and the smallest scars possible. The scab will come off in its own time and hurrying it along is only going to make it take longer to heal!

Dr. Fouda Neel may suggest alternative healing methods based on your skin and history with scaring. Book a consultation with our expert staff today to find out how you can minimize scaring during your upcoming surgery!

Breast Augmentation Recovery FAQ

Recovery from a breast augmentation doesn’t have to be as difficult as it’s often portrayed to be. In fact, there are a number of techniques that plastic surgeons can utilize to ease recovery, as well as advice patients can heed in order to expedite the process themselves. Here, I answer some frequently asked questions about breast augmentation recovery.

Breast Augmentation

Question: What do patients need to know about recovery from breast augmentation?

Most patients are actually surprised about the ease of recovery. Many have read about the experiences of others on the Internet and expect something much worse. In general, patients only require the narcotic-based pain medications for a few days before tapering them significantly or stopping them altogether and opting for something without narcotics. Patients are usually back to work within five to seven days but are not allowed to exercise until one month after surgery.

Tightness of the chest is a common complaint. This occurs because the muscle and skin are stretched by the implant, giving the sensation of chest tightness. The good news is, this feeling generally fades within the first few days. Sleeping with the head and chest slightly elevated will decrease chest swelling much more rapidly while helping the breast implants to settle faster.

Question: What techniques do you utilize during surgery to ease patient recovery?

One of the most important techniques to ease recovery is to minimize trauma to the tissues. The less injury that is inflicted to the tissues during the surgery translates to less pain during the recovery. This means handling all tissues with care and precision. The muscles, nerves, and vessels are handled gently and with the utmost care. I always try to minimize any trauma to the rib periosteum (covering of the ribcage). Additionally, I try to avoid touching the ribs with my instruments and refrain from using electrocautery on the ribs. These techniques are key to minimizing postoperative pain and will decrease narcotic usage.

Another technique I use is to perform anesthetic intercostal blocks with long-lasting anesthetic during the surgery. This maneuver numbs the chest area for at least 12-16 hours after surgery. The first evening is generally the most uncomfortable time following surgery. If we can get a patient through this time period using the intercostal regional blocks, the patient feels much better and there is less need for total narcotics. The patient then only needs to take narcotics the next morning at a time when the discomfort is already starting to decrease as the healing progresses.

Question: What role do loved ones play in recovery?

The support of family and friends is important to a smooth and easy recovery following breast augmentation. In the days prior to surgery, it is nice to have someone arranged to support the patient physically and emotionally postoperatively, as surgical recovery is a time when the aid of others will be helpful and even essential from time to time. During the first evening, someone should be looking after many of the patient’s needs, including helping with their medications, meals, and generally watching out for their well-being.

Question: How much should patients depend on the care of others?

The first evening is the most important to have someone with you. During this time, the effects of the general anesthetic may still be present and you may still have some discomfort, so you will want and need someone to be around for help. Beyond the first evening, most people can be fairly independent and will not need much help apart from more strenuous tasks.

Question: What care do you and your practice provide to enhance each patient’s recovery process?

Education and information about the recovery process is key to establishing a foundation for a patient’s smooth recovery. Before having the surgery, our patients will know what to expect and what to look for during the recovery period. This significantly cuts down on patients’ preoperative anxiety and unnecessary phone calls to the practice after surgery.

I ensure that patients know the care they receive does not end after the surgery is completed. I will personally call them on the first evening to see how they are doing, and the next morning the staff will also give them a call to check in and see if they have any questions or concerns that need to be addressed. In addition, all of our patients will be given my personal cell phone number should they need to reach me.

About Dr. Fouda Neel, MD, FRCSC, FAAP

Board-certified by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Dr.Fouda Neel earned completed his training in Plastic and Reconstructive surgery at the prestigious McGill University training program in Montreal. Subsequently, He enhanced his expertise by pursuing three different fellowships in facial and breast aesthetic surgery. He offers a full range of plastic surgery options for facial rejuvenation, breast enhancement, body contouring, and skin renewal, as well as a number of non-surgical cosmetic enhancement treatments. Dr. Fouda Neel is an Assistant professor at McGill University and is an Attending staff at McGill University Health Center.