
How Getting Botox In Your Jaw Can Enhance Your Chin Augmentation

The chin is an important part of a person’s facial profile. A strong chin can help to bring balance to the features while providing a younger, healthier, more attractive, and more assertive appearance. A weak chin, on the other hand, can contribute to throwing the balance of the entire face off, leaving you looking mousy, old, or weak-willed.

Chin Augmentation

Chin implants are able to bring much needed balance to correct a number of profile issues including a large nose or forehead, wide cheekbones, or simply a soft jaw line. Highly popular among both men and women, these implants are used to restructure the entire profile of the face in order to provide better balance and symmetry. The procedures can be performed on anyone over the age of 20 whose bone structure has reached maturity. This is important because the implant is placed beneath the muscle, directly along the jawbone.

For some patients, however, a chin implant is not quite enough to give them the exact look they desire. Cellulite or subcutaneous fat can cause the lines to be softer than anticipated, or the muscles may move in unflattering ways, creating dimples in the chin when you speak. In these cases, your physician will likely recommend a course of Botox treatments to relax the muscles and tissues into a more flattering and natural appearance.

If I want Botox and chin implants, which one should I get first?

Most cosmetic experts will recommend getting permanent procedures before temporary ones. This is because it provides better results to make surgical decisions based on how your face naturally appears so the doctor can then adjust the Botox treatments to suit the implant. If you get an implant based on your recently treated profile, you may end up with different results than you expected and you will need to continue using Botox perpetually in order to maintain the correct facial balance.

Will my Botox treatments shift or damage my implant?

Because the implant is placed directly against the bone beneath the muscle, it will not be affected by injections into the muscle over top. It’s perfectly safe to combine these two treatments provided proper medical guidelines are followed at all times.

Remember, if you are planning to get multiple procedures, it’s always best to speak to your doctor about it beforehand. They will be able to offer you practical advice on how and when to pursue each treatment as well as the risks and benefits associated with each.

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